Vaccination Information Service

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Meningococcal C vaccination

Would you be happy for your child to be part of a medical experiment, 

that’s already going badly??

Bronwyn Hancock November 2003

The Australian Federal Government is currently in the process (2004) of administering the meningococcal C vaccine to children in schools right around the country. The high schools were mostly covered last year (2003), and now the teams are gradually working their way around all the primary schools. Then they'll move onto lower age groups right down to only 1 year of age.

Apart from what is common to all vaccines – the noxious nature of the ingredients, the sensitisation (= opposite of immunisation) effect of injecting these and indeed any other foreign substances into the body, and the other information (included or referred to on this site) in the general information brochures, articles, videos and books that have been published about vaccination based on a study of over 100,000 pages of published medical research, the following points are the most important that relate to this particular vaccine. Most of this information, despite being well established, is not passed to parents. Everyone who is responsible for the administration of this (and any other) vaccine has a legal duty of care obligation to warn of all adverse effects that could occur (Rogers vs Whitaker 1992 175 CLR 479). To violate this obligation is actually to commit common assault.

Vaccine's protective effectiveness undemonstrated, and the violation of your rights

The manufacturer admits on the insert that comes with the vaccine that there have been no protective efficacy studies conducted with this vaccine. The government's reply to being queried about this point, that you will get when you ask, is that it is too soon and it is claimed that you need at least 95% coverage to get to the theoretical “herd immunity” level from which you can determine whether or not it works. (Given the rarity of the infection, it would be difficult to tell even then.) Yet only under 19 year olds are being targeted for the vaccine.

Most importantly, it is a violation of the Nuremberg Code (rulings that came out of the Nuremberg Trials that dealt with the atrocities committed by Nazi doctors during WWII) and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki to perform a medical experiment on people without their (or their parent/guardian’s) informed consent. Not only is no information given in relation to the experimental nature of this vaccine but neither is information provided about adverse effects already observed, listed below.

It could be stated that the administration of this vaccine is not an experiment because an experiment is performed for the purpose of discovering or testing something, and no indications have been apparent of an intention to learn anything from the administration of the vaccine, but this of course in no way exonerates the vaccine's administration - rather, it means its use is simply common assault, particularly since it has not been scientifically demonstrated to be effective by the manufacturer's own admission.

Vaccine contents

The ingredients in the meningococcal vaccines can include, but are not limited to: thiomersal (mercury compound), meningococcal oligosaccharide, diphtheria protein or tetanus toxoid, aluminium hydroxide, phenol, mannitol, sodium phosphate monohydrate, sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate and sodium chloride. The vaccines are contraindicated (not recommended) for any person who may be hypersensitive to any component.

The vaccine's target - the meningococcus bacteria, the risk and what causes infections

The meningococcus bacteria exists in 5-20% of the population at any given time, and yet meningococcal infections, particularly the "C" type that is being targeted by this vaccine, are very rare. There are only about 50 confirmed cases of the "C" type in Australia each year. Bacteria of many kinds inhabit the body prolifically, and indeed many, including perhaps meningococcus itself, have an important role in maintaining our survival. Clearly then, it is not simply the presence of the bacteria that causes invasive disease involving the bacteria.

So what does cause meningococcal disease? Bacteria have been described as “pleomorphic”, meaning “many forms”. This is because they are very adaptive to their environment – they change into different forms ranging from protective to pathogenic, depending on the environment that they are inhabiting in the body. An unhealthy environment in the body provokes bacteria to change into more virulent forms.

Vaccines of all descriptions contain highly noxious substances and have been well documented to provoke severe invasive bacterial infections, including meningococcal disease. Indeed there is even a term, "window of opportunity", that refers to the 90 day period after vaccination in which there is an acknowledged increase in susceptibility to such infections (though in reality the “window” lasts indefinitely). Healthy unvaccinated (totally unvaccinated, that is) children do not contract severe bacterial infections such as these. The following graph statistically illustrates this provocation effect by vaccination:

Disease does not mean doom

It is also important to note that even once a person contracts meningitis their fate is not sealed, because bacterial meningitis has been treated effectively, bringing people back from death's door, using such support to the immune system as significant doses of intravenous Vitamin C. Please be aware, though, that a hospital will only administer alternative treatments when specifically instructed to by you - otherwise regimens that weaken the immune system are employed, particularly antibiotics, and the consequences can be fatal. You also need to be aware that legally the hospital must administer the Vitamin C if you request it. You are the boss, not them, but most hospital staff seem to need reminding of this! Seek the assistance of a doctor that is learned in nutritional therapies who can give the detailed instructions to the hospital (for such doctors, see

Vaccine adverse effects

- to “increase meningococcal carriage rates”, i.e. the opposite of its purpose

Sure enough (following on from the last main point of what causes these infections) one of the adverse effects listed on the product insert itself is that the vaccine actually “may increase meningococcal carriage rates, especially for meningococcal groups not included in the vaccine”, in other words also including the groups that are included in the vaccine. Interestingly a mother who rang recently spoke of a child hospitalised with meningococcal meningitis within a week or two of having the vaccine. The hospital to date would not reveal what type of meningococcus is involved.

Adverse effects also include provocation of meningococcal B meningitis, which finding the above quote is reflecting, as “B” is not included in the vaccine. (The Lancet Vol 359 May 25, 2002). The "B" type is involved in 50-55% of cases (twice as many as the C type) and this meningitis seems to be more deadly amongst the younger age group, accounting for at least 2/3 of all deaths in this age group. A recent Australian documentary (Catalyst, ABC TV) stated that the mass vaccination campaign for "C" type conducted in the UK in 1999 was an experiment to "see what would happen" to the incidence of the "B" type, which increased by 25%.

- other adverse effects

Other than the above, other adverse effects listed on product inserts for this vaccine include:

General disorders and administration site conditions: local reactions, fever, fatigue, restlessness, URTI disease, malaise, headache, myalgia, irritability, light headedness, anorexia, gastrointestinal upset, vesicles, dermatitis, hypersensitivity including urticaria, induration, inflammation, mass or pruritus at injection site

Immune system disorders: lymphadenopathy, anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions including shock; hypersensitivity reactions including bronchospasm, facial oedema, and angioedema.

Nervous system disorders: dizziness, convulsions including febrile convulsions and seizures in patients with pre-existing stable seizure disorder; hypoaesthesia; paraesthesia; hypotonia

Musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders: arthralgia

Skin & subcutaneous tissue disorders: rash, pruritus, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Many other effects have also been observed, e.g. haemorrhoids, varicose veins, dizziness, leukopenia, low blood pressure, low insulin levels, low iron levels, severe memory problems, disturbed muscle co-ordination, periarthropathy, lateral epicondylopathy, tendon destruction, cramps and night sweats. This last group of effects and those in the previous list all occurred in one woman, who had had three doses of this vaccine, and became progressively worse after each dose. (She was a student at a university in the UK where 3 doses are given, and she was told she must have the vaccine, all 3 doses, to do her studies. Why do they only give one dose in Australia? Well, just wait and see how long it takes for the public to be told that only one dose is ineffective - so you *really* "have to" have three.)

16,527 adverse effects (including 12 deaths) were reported from the vaccine in 10 months of use in the UK, which is more than the number reported in more than 37 years of use of the DPT vaccine, which itself is said to be one of the most reactive vaccines. When it is known that less than 10% of reactions are reported, with some estimates as low as 1%, the total number of adverse effects is very much greater and this is a real concern.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Recently (June 2004) we heard* about a couple of children in Victoria (one in Melbourne, the other in Walkerville) who are reported to have died from receiving this vaccine as part of the Australian government meningococcal C vaccination program currently being implemented. At least one (possibly each) of them was quite healthy before receiving the vaccine. Have these deaths (or other adverse effects for that matter) been reported in the media? NO (at least not as far as we are aware, and we surely would be aware if they were given the prominence they deserve).

2005 Update: The following death, linked to this vaccine, was reported in the media on Jan 29:

SYDNEY, Jan. 29 (UPI) -- Australian health authorities are investigating whether a faulty vaccine may have contributed to the death of a 5-year-old boy from meningococcal disease.

The child's mother said Saturday her son had been vaccinated against meningococcal C after he was twice sent home from a hospital, once armed only with paracetamol, the Sydney Daily Telegraph reported...

An official of the New South Wales health department said his staff would investigate the safety and use of the vaccine as well as related matters.

*N.B. Would the woman who informed us of these deaths (or anyone else who knows about them) please call (or email) us back? We do not have your telephone number, which is very frustrating!


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